O5 Council

Part of the Roblox gameSCP: Roleplay
Gamepass Profile
Gamepass Icon
4 years ago
3 years ago


The O5 Council is made up of the people with ultimate control over the Foundation. They rule the Foundation and even have anomalous properties.

By purchasing this gamepass, you unlock the ability to become the overseer of a team and the following perks:

- Access to a Minigun
- Ability to make announcements (:announce message)
- Anomalous perks
- 2x team XP
- 2x votes on the Tablet
- Access to VIP / O5 skins 
- A star icon in the radio and the leaderboard
- 1.5x server listing priority (2x if you also have VIP)

* Infection Mode: - Access to O5 upgrades


Roblox disabled public gamepass sales visibility in late July 2020. Sales data collected up to then is still available here for reference.